Zhihui Han

Associate Professor

Department of Biomedical Engineering 

Mail:  hanzh@hfut.edu.cn 

  • 06, 2012 to present: Lecturer and Associate Professor, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering         , Hefei University of Technology, PR China.


Computer Network, Design of Intelligent Medical Instruments


Development and application of ultrasonic techniques for solving engineering problems. The research focuses on  medical ultrasound imaging and medical signal processing.

Selected Papers/Patentsand Honors

1.Pan Jingwen, Peng Hu, Han Zhihui*,Improving Image Quality by Deconvolution Recovery Filter in Ultrasound Imaging. Ultrasonic imaging, 2023, 45 (1): 3-16. 

2.Han Zhihui, Peng Hu, Pan Jingwenl, A two-steps implementation of 3D ultrasound imaging in frequency domain with 1D array transducer, Ultrasonics, 2021, 114: 106423. 

3.Zhihui Han, Hu Peng, Xiaoyan zhao, et al., 3D ultrasound imaging in frequency domain based on concepts of array beam and synthetic aperture, Ultrasonics, 2018, 84: 254-263.

4.Zhihui Han, Hu Peng , Putian Lu, 3D ultrasound imaging in frequency domain with 1D array transducer, Ultrasonics, 2017, 76: 28–34.

5.Pan Jingwen , Zhang Chaoxue, Peng Hu, et al. Improving Axial Resolution Based on the Deconvolution Recovery Method Combined with Adaptive Weighting Techniques for Ultrasound Imaging. 2023, 31 (1): 217 – 237.